Used Equipment

Display Videos for Used Equipment

Custom Buttons for Used Equipment

  1. Decide which forms you want to use and how you want to interact with your customers.

  2. Customize the text in the Designer View of the Used Equipment Widget that is placed on your Used Equipment Page by selecting Edit > Button Options

3. Display title: determines the text that will show for the buttons. 4. You utilize a library called FontAwesome for our icons. They have a wonderful search feature that you can use to choose the icon that applies best. Simply copy the code!

5. Choose the heading your form 6. Align the Form Class field with the class in the form widget on the page.

The Importance of the SystemName Property

Locations names can be displayed in way that you please, for instance:

  • Little Rock, Arkansas

  • Little Rock, AR

  • Rock Town, AR

Feel free to set your location titles to anything you want. Just be sure to leave the SystemName as is. The SystemName is populated through your Used Equipment Sync & every time the equipment is synced, the program will be looking for that exact SystemName as a reference for syncing the equipment to its proper location.

Last updated