Start Me Up

get the project running locally on your machine

Clone the Repo

git clone

Go into gravity directory then next-frontend

Follow this Readme :

Potential Issues

Set Up WordPress Environment

You can set up a WordPress instance using Local by Flywheel.

Create a folder for your WordPress code from Local. Put it next to your cloned repo directory. You can call it gravity-wp-local for uniformity. Name your Local site gravity platform so that it will match the references in the codebase.

Install Dependencies

Add the WordPress plugins that the Gravity Platform depends on:

if you don't already have composer installed, you will need to do that. brew install composer. Or, download Composer you may need to install PHP as well. If you are installing Composer &/or PHP you will need to close your terminal and re-open it for it to be recognized.

Create .env file & add the ACF key

cd gravity/backend
composer install

Build the editor blocks scripts:

cd plugins/gravity-platform-core
npm install
npm start

Build the frontend (Next.js) styles:

cd ../../../frontend
npm install
npm run dev

Add our plugins and theme to your Local WordPress environment

Go into gravity-wp-local/app/public and delete the wp-content directory.


TARGET: The path to the plugin in your git repository

PATH_TO_DIRECTORY_FOR_SYMLINK: The path to insert the copy of the target directory.

Read more on Symlinks -> Symbolic Link

You can use pwd in the command line to get the paths for the symlink.

This should put everything in our backend directory into the wp-content directory that it will create. So, if you use pwd to find out where you are, be sure to add wp-content onto the end of that path.

Symlink Command for Mac

ln -s /Users/shaunhartman/Gravity/gravity/backend /Users/shaunhartman/Gravity/gravity-wp-local/app/public/wp-content

Symlink Command for Windows

mklink /d C:\Users\jonat\Documents\GitHub\gravity-wp-local\app\public\wp-content C:\Users\jonat\Documents\GitHub\gravity\backendNow we should see the gravity plugin available in the WordPress backend.

Be sure to update your PHP to 7.4.1 in Local

Open your Wordpress Admin from Local & activate plugins

Recent Update

Lots of Kairos project changes!

  1. Our development URL is now and the site is now hosted on Lapero's Pro Vercel account. NOTE: we may switch to another URL once we start building content for the Kairos marketing website itself.

  2. My personal GitHub mirror repo has been removed in favor of one on our team GitHub organization. That's possible now that we're using a paid Vercel hosting plan.

  3. Our Build Pipelines have been reconfigured to push commits made to our Azure Devops repo to the new mhpteamsi/kairos-mirror mirror repo.

  4. The domain mappings service uses a new database in our official Lapero PlanetScale account.

All this means is we have a new preview URL, and that developers will need to update their local frontend/.env file and place the new connection string in it. You can find it here: (edited)

Composer needs to be version 2.2.6 (composer self-update 2.2.6)

Last updated